Reading Group Schedule 2025
February: Cicero On Friendship, Part 2 (Judy lead)
March: Plato's Republic Book 7 (Steve)
April: Stoic Spiritual Exercises with selections from Stoic texts/Hadot.
May: Musonius Rufus essays selection (Judy)
June: Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy 1 - Fortune (Steve)
July: Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy 2 - Free Will (Judy)
August: Stoic text: Cicero on Moral Ends (the Cato dialogues) (Steve)
September: Augustine’s Confessions selection (Judy)
October: Steve to lead on Virtue Ethics - reading of Massimo Pigliucci
November: Plotinus - excepts of the Ennead (Steve)
December: Marcus Aurelius selection (Judy)